COVID Testing
By testing, you’re helping slow the spread of COVID-19.
Testing for COVID-19 continues to be a key way public health experts can identify and respond to COVID-19 cases in our community. Even though there is an effective vaccine, no vaccine is 100% effective. Timely follow-up is important, just as it has been for many other infectious diseases on our campuses for decades. Here you’ll find information about MTest, which provides guidance to the University community on when and where to get tested, as well as what to do if you test positive for COVID-19.
In addition to getting vaccinated and wearing a mask where required, notifying close contacts following a positive test result for COVID-19 is another important step you can take to protect our community, and is the right thing to do. Learn more on the Inform website.
The University’s guidance on isolation and quarantine is aligned with the CDC. View the CDC guidance.
Where to get tested
For testing, please contact:
- Students: UMD Health Services at 218-726-8155 or your healthcare provider.
- Faculty and Staff: Your healthcare provider.
There are a variety of community testing resources available across the state that are provided by the Minnesota Department of Health, other public health entities, and hospitals.
- Find a provider.
- Find a community testing site.
- Order a saliva testing kit from the Minnesota Department of Health.
Concerned about exposure
If you have come into close contact with someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 view this chart for guidance or the CDC's website.
You should follow the full quarantine guidelines outlined by the CDC.
If you live in an on-campus apartment or residence hall, view the Housing and Residential Life guidelines.
If you test positive
If you test positive for COVID-19, we strongly recommend you inform your individual close contacts that they may have been exposed and should seek testing. In addition to following the CDC’s guidance for isolation and quarantine (see this chart for guidance as well), please take the following steps
- You may receive guidance from MDH with information and a request to complete an online survey. Completing the survey will help MDH better understand the current state of COVID-19 transmission in our state.
- Review and act on guidance about how to identify close contacts and advice for notifying them that you have tested positive for COVID-19.
- Inform your instructors of your need to isolate and make arrangements to stay on track with your courses. Instructors may also help you identify close contacts in your classrooms or labs where close contacts can be identified.
- Reach out to your manager or supervisor if you work on campus to arrange for time off and request assistance with notifying those with whom you have had close contact if needed.
Follow all public health or medical guidance about isolating and taking additional steps to protect others, including staying home if you are ill. University Housing and Residence Life and Dining Services will support students living on campus who require isolation or quarantine.
Faculty and Staff
If you test positive for COVID-19, we strongly recommend you inform your individual close contacts that they may have been exposed and should seek testing. In addition to following the CDC’s guidelines for isolation and quarantine (see this chart for guidance as well), please take the following steps:
- You may receive guidance from MDH with information and a request to complete an online survey. Completing the survey will help MDH better understand the current state of COVID-19 transmission in our state.
- Review and act on guidance about how to identify close contacts so that you can notify them that you have tested positive for COVID-19.
- Inform your manager or supervisor if you need to arrange for time off or if you would like assistance identifying and notifying those with whom you have had close contact.
- Follow all public health or medical guidance about isolating and taking additional steps to protect others, including staying home if you are ill. Please note: The University’s guidance is aligned with the CDC.
Beyond taking personal health precautions, the role of faculty and instructors when notified of a positive COVID-19 case is to support your student in notifying others. Check this guidance for instructions on how to assist COVID-19 positive students who notify you.
If you are a manager or supervisor, your responsibility is to support your employees in notifying others. The Office of Human Resources has more detailed guidance available online.
Mass notifications of entire classrooms should not be made unless there is a documented public health reason to do so as reviewed by public health partners or the Health Emergency Response Office (e.g., there is reason to believe a large percentage of students in the classroom meet the CDC definition of close contact).
Other Campus' COVID Response Links
Student Resources
International Student Services
Makeup Work for Legitimate Absences Policy
Stop the Spread of COVID-19 materials
Additional Information
University of Minnesota Health Emergency Response Office (HERO)
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Resource Center
Minnesota Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Additional Information
University of Minnesota Health Emergency Response Office (HERO)
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Resource Center
State of Minnesota
Minnesota Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
World Health Organization